
Principles of Homeopathy & Vedic Chart- Deevey

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DL-289 Principles of Homeopathy & Vedic Chart – Deevey

Most Vedic astrologers are familiar with Ayurveda as the "science of life" described in the ancient scriptures and by modern sages as a "holistic" medical treatment method based on the three doshas or constitutional types: pitta, vata, and kapha. Homeopathy, described by Samuel Hahnemann, a 19th century German doctor, is another treatment method astonishingly "holistic and modern" which also addresses "constitutional types". In this case, however, types refer to the level of disease rather than the elements of fire, air, and water. These levels are called "miasmas". The superficial, acute miasma (Mars) is ascribed to emotional imbalance, the middle level of connective tissue stiffness and muscle aches type is related to mental instability or extremes (Mercury/Saturn), and the deepest level is destructive physical change (Rahu). A further similarity is the importance of the Mind (or, the Moon as the perception of the world, health and illness). Hahnemann describes more symptoms related to the Mind than to all physical symptoms and gives them an 8 times greater value in the process of choosing the appropriate remedy (called Repertorization). Jo Augur will briefly describe the principles of Homeopathy and show how they can be used in Vedic charts, illustrating with numerous examples.

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