
ACVA Course 207


A payment of $360 in Course 207 will cover Course 207 and 208.  Your enrollment in Course 207 includes your access to Course 208. The Scholarship Special saves you $430 for 2 courses!

You will be automatically enrolled in Course 208.

Prerequisite: Completion of Courses 201 through 206

Course 207: Ayurvedic Astrology Classes 1,2,3
Course 207 delves into another Vedanga, or limb of the Veda -- Ayurveda-- and how to use a Vedic chart to determine a person's dosha and to provide guidance to physical, emotional and mental health.

Disclaimer: The Jyotisha Ratna and Jyotisha Prabhakara programs, the work involves reading required and suggested Learning materials, writing assignments, forum discussions, and e-mail, supplemented by audio lectures.

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