
Personality Analysis through Natal Chart - Goldstein

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DL-135 Personality Analysis through Natal Chart – Goldstein

Within the matrix of the natal chart lie important psychological traits which are revealed through proper assessment of the entire chart. Personality styles may be discerned through identifying relevant astrological correlates. This framework helps determine what information should be conveyed to the client and how the client is likely to interpret astrologically-based predictions. During this presentation, a concise theory for personality will be explained, and the astrological correlates will be defined. Charts of specific personality types will be presented along with the implications for client-astrologer interactions. Learn how to determine when certain information should be conveyed and when it is contraindicated during your consultations. Why do certain individuals who have charts with strong planetary positions still experience great difficulty in their lives? Perhaps, this can be explained through personality analysis. The interaction of personality style with specific planetary afflictions and current Vimshottari Dasa/Bhukti cycle will be examined. Future directions in researching personality and its implications in chart analysis will be discussed.

Seventh International Symposium Sedona, AZ 2000

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