
Familiar Elements: Vedic & Greek Astro. Trad. - Lawrence

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DL-137 Familiar Elements:Vedic & Greek Astro. Trad. – Lawrence

The earliest surviving writings on Western astrology are placed in the Hellenize world, where Egyptian esotericism merged with Greek philosophy. Hellenistic astrology shares many similar components with Indian astrology. Both traditions integrated deep-rooted philosophical views from which astrology was practiced. Many of the technical similarities include whole sign and bhava houses, planetary time periods, divisional charts, planetary friendships, house meanings, charts beginning from other points (such as the Chandra bhava), and special configurations or yogas. A number of these techniques were previously lost in the West due to the transmission of astrological writings from the languages of Greek, Arabic, and Medieval Latin. Astrologers of the new millennium may benefit from an understanding of both of these Eastern and Western traditions.

Seventh International Symposium Sedona AZ 2000

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