
Jaimini Astrology- Sat Sri Khalsa

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DL-252 Jaimini Astrology - Sat Sri Khalsa

What is often called Jaimini Astrology is really mainstream Parasari astrology too! The very first type of aspects taught in Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra is the rasi drishtis. This class will explain how rasi drishtis are the glue holding together all of creation and how these aspects are more powerful than the familiar graha drishtis. We will also learn how to tell apart three types of karakas and how knowing them can allow you to pinpoint what person or matter of a house will come up for interpretation. This is must-know material for raising your level of confidence in reading a chart. Jaimini is a titan; his work is a commentary on the other titan, Parasara.

Third Annual Certification Conference Phoenix, AZ 2001

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