
Jyotish Locality: Art of Relocation- Flaherty

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DL-453 Jyotish Locality: Art of Relocation – Flaherty

Dennis will present his original research, called Jyotish Locality, regarding Vedic relocational astrology, which was published in the August 1997 Mountain Astrologer. Â Relocational astrology tells us how moving to a new locality can reinforce particular planetary energies in our lives that can positively empower us. The art of Jyotish Locality can help us define which planetary energies are most beneficial for our chart, and indeed which planetary energies are to be avoided, as they are detrimental to our well being. Learn how Jyotish Locality can be utilized as a modern upaya or counter the negative effects of challenging planetary transits and cycles.

Fifth Annual Certification Conference Phoenix AZ 2003

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