
ACVA Course 107


A payment of $360 in Course 107 will cover Course 107 and 108.  Your enrollment in Course 107 includes your access to Course 108. The Scholarship Special saves you $390 for 2 courses!

You will be automatically enrolled in Course 108.

Prerequisite: Completion of Courses 101 through 106

Course 107: Nakshatras Classes 1,2,3
Course 107 introduces the Nakshatra or lunar mansions of Vedic Astrology. To appreciate the depth and uniqueness of Vedic Astrology, one must encounter and explore the nakshatras. The twenty-seven nakshatras are considered to be the original and primordial level of the Hindu zodiacal belt.

Disclaimer: The Jyotisha Ratna and Jyotisha Prabhakara programs, the work involves reading required and suggested Learning materials, writing assignments, forum discussions, and e-mail, supplemented by audio lectures.

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